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Pediatric Collections: Enriching Pediatric Learning: A Guidebook for Preceptors Paperback and eBook Package

Price: $73.50
Member Price: $58.50


Buy Print Book and Save 50% on eBook with this exclusive package offer!


Tis custom collection package is intended to optimize the medical education and practical teaching techniques to improve clinical observation, feedback, assessment, and evaluation, and is applicable to the busy preceptor in a variety of practice settings with a focus on clinical reasoning and reflection, implementing Entrustable Professional Activities from the Association of American Medical Colleges, and bedside teaching and patient encounters with exam room as classroom.


This package is available for individual sale only.

Contact the AAP for details on bulk rates phone 866/843-2271or email

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Product Code: APC025P

Pediatric Collections: Enriching Pediatric Learning: A Guidebook for Preceptors [eBook]

Quantity: 1

Product Format: eBook

ISBN-13: 978-1-61002-583-6

Product Code: APC025

Publisher: American Academy of Pediatrics

Availability: In Stock

Pediatric Collections: Enriching Pediatric Learning: A Guidebook for Preceptors [Paperback]

Quantity: 1

Product Format: Paperback

ISBN-13: 978-1-61002-582-9

Product Code: APC025

Publisher: American Academy of Pediatrics

Availability: Back Ordered

Pediatric Collections: Enriching Pediatric Learning: A Guidebook for Preceptors Paperback and eBook Package

Price:: 73.50

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