The FamilY Partnerships Network (FPN), established in 2014, is an advisory group to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Board of Directors (the “Y” is capitalized to represent youth and young adults).


The mission of the AAP FamilY Partnerships Network (FPN) is to represent family and youth perspectives, lead and facilitate youth and family engagement, and support ongoing youth and family involvement at the local, state and national level within the AAP and with other stakeholders. To accomplish this, the FPN will:

  • Facilitate and support ongoing parent and youth involvement
  • Develop and promote education on family-centered care and how to engage youth and family members in pediatric offices, hospitals, and national projects
  • Review and contribute to policy and publications
  • Advocate for the needs of patients and families in partnership with pediatricians
  • Serve as a connecting point for family and youth-focused organizations and individuals working to improve child health


Youth and families are actively involved in informing and leading education and advocacy efforts at the local, state and national level.

Youth and families have the knowledge and resources they need to participate in and promote Academy efforts.

The FPN continues to grow by engaging family-focused organizations, family members, and youth.

Children, youth, and families experience better health outcomes as a result of their partnership in pediatric health care.

Core Values

The family is the principal caregiver and the center of strength and support for children.

The AAP recognizes that perspectives and information provided by families, children, adolescents, and young adults are essential components of collaborative decision-making in the delivery of high-quality, safe, and compassionate care. Patients and their families are integral partners of the health care team.

The AAP recognizes the value of diversity among patients, families, and pediatricians. The delivery of care within the context of appropriate physician knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of cultural and population distinctions take into account families’ experiences, beliefs, values, actions, customs, and unique health care needs.

Recognizing, valuing, and building on the strengths of individual children and families and empowering them to discover and communicate their own strengths, build confidence, and partner in making choices and decisions about their health care is vital to optimal health and development.

To promote improved patient, family, and physician experiences and outcomes, the AAP encourages and supports family engagement in its core competencies of education, practice, research, and advocacy.


  • Development of AAP orientation materials for families
  • Hosting the FamilY Partnerships Network Reception at the AAP Annual Conference
  • Regular attendance at the AAP Board of Directors Meeting
  • Offering educational opportunities for youth/families, pediatricians, and others
  • Review of targeted AAP policy statements and other AAP resources for pediatrician and consumer/family audiences
  • Promoting youth/family engagement at all levels of the AAP
Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics