The AAP Chapter Climate Advocates network was established to promote state-level action, advocacy, and member engagement on the issue of climate change and children's health. The network is comprised of 1 or more representatives from each AAP chapter. Conference calls are regularly held among the advocates to facilitate the sharing of opportunities, information, challenges, and successes related to state-level activities on climate and health.

Selected activities have included:

  • The proposal of climate change-related chapter resolutions acknowledging that climate change is human-caused, affects our children's health now and requires urgent and substantive action.
  • The creation of local climate committees within AAP chapters, allowing more pediatricians to be involved and fostering ties to local opportunities.
  • The incorporation of climate information into chapter newsletters, ListServs and websites.
  • The development of blog posts, letters-to-the-editor, videos and social media activity to advocate on the issue of climate change and children's health.

Participants serve as representatives of and by appointment of their respective AAP chapter. Advocates must be members in good standing of the AAP and their local AAP chapter, and are strongly encouraged to be members of the AAP Council on Environmental Health and Climate Change. If interested in joining, please Contact Us to explore openings to serve as a representative for your chapter.

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics