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In this episode of the special series, “Pathways to Pediatrics,” hosts David Hill, MD, FAAP, and Joanna Parga-Belinkie, MD, FAAP, interview new AAP President Sandy Chung, MD, FAAP. Dr. Chung talks about growing up in a Chinese restaurant, creating work-life harmony and galvanizing a movement around mental health.



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Sandy Chung, MD, FAAP


Pediatrician Dr. Sandy Chung has held more than 30 state and national leadership positions, including AAP Virginia Chapter President and Founder and Medical Director of the Virginia Mental Health Access Program. She is the CEO of Trusted Doctors, a pediatric practice of more than 150 clinicians in Virginia and Maryland and serves as Medical Director of Informatics at Children’s National Hospital’s Pediatric Health Network. Her passionate advocacy for child health and pediatricians has delivered major advancements in healthcare equity, mental health, EHR burden reduction, appropriate payment, physician well-being, and optimal child health policies. She is the recipient of multiple awards including the March of Dimes Lifetime Heroine Award recognizing a lifetime of community volunteerism, the Clarence A. Holland Award for providing outstanding contributions to the community and demonstrating leadership in the field of political advocacy, and the Virginia Chapter Child Advocate Award for standing up for the rights, values, and recognition of Virginia’s children. As an avid educator of the next generation of pediatricians, her publications include articles on telemedicine, virtual learning, and health information technology. Dr. Chung received her medical degree from the University of Virginia and completed her pediatric residency at the Inova L.J. Murphy Children’s Hospital. She has appeared in numerous media outlets including the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, NPR, Washington Business Journal, Virginia Business Magazine, Contemporary Pediatrics, and AAP News. Dr. Chung is the proud mother of four amazing children who teach her something new every day.


Conflict of Interest Disclosure:

The interviewees have no conflicts of interest to disclose

Music Credits:
"Steadfast" by Blue Dot Sessions at
Theme music composed by Matthew Simonson at

*The views expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and not necessarily those of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

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