
  • AAP membership in good standing
  • Current COCIT and/or COQIPS membership highly encouraged but not required
  • Informatics training (fellowship) or comparable experience in informatics including the ability to perform the following tasks:
    • Identify ambiguity, and vague or underspecified language
    • Support standardization and consistency
    • Define rules from narrative recommendations
    • Understand strategies for successful CDS implementation
  • Experience in Clinical Informatics as evidenced by at least one of the following:
    • Board Certification in Clinical Informatics
    • Peer reviewed publications in the field
    • Grants supporting research or demonstrations of information technology
    • Substantial involvement in clinical decision support implementation
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
  • Ability to interact effectively with multidisciplinary professional teams.
  • Interest in and experience with development or implementation of clinical guidelines and policies.


  • As the clinical informatician, offer support to guideline/policy/report authors, as assigned
    • Each member of PPI will be responsible for the creation of algorithms, when appropriate, as well as the use of clear, action-oriented language.
  • Consult with PPI leadership during the development of recommendations, decision support, and HIT standards.
  • Work collaboratively with staff to update the PPI website with the new tools and resources
  • Help identify new ways for PPI to help American Academy of Pediatrics members

Terms and Time Commitment:

Newly-accepted applicants will undergo an orientation process and will be expected to complete an apprenticeship under the guidance of an experienced member of PPI, which will consist of shadowing a current PPI member during at least one policy/report/guideline development project. Additional requirements may be determined by the Chairperson with guidance from current PPI members.

PPI membership is for a term of 3 years, to be reviewed and potentially renewed at the end of each term. Time commitment includes:

  • Participation in quarterly PPI teleconferences
  • Authoring group teleconferences, as needed
  • Participating in both PPI and authoring group listserv communications

The Application Process

Applications are now being accepted through October 31st, 2022.

An application will consist of:

Application materials will be processed by the PPI Admissions Committee and presented to the entire PPI membership at an annual meeting dedicated to reviewing and approving applications.

PPI Admissions Committee

Juan D. Chaparro, MD MS FAMIA FAAP Co-Chair
Jeremy J. Michel MD MHS FAAP Co-Chair

Should you have any questions please contact Jeremiah Salmon, jsalmon@aap.org.

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics