The Council on Children with Disabilities develops policy statements, clinical reports and technical guidelines to improve the health of all children.
- Diagnosis and Care of Children With Cerebral/Cortical Visual Impairment
- Examining Permanent Contraception for Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults With Intellectual Developmental Disorder: Ethical, Legal, and Medical Considerations
- Oral Health Care for Children and Youth With Developmental Disabilities
- Considerations for Alternative Decision-Making When Transitioning to Adulthood for Youth With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- Primary Care Framework to Monitor Preterm Infants for Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Early Childhood
- Providing a Primary Care Medical Home for Children and Youth with Cerebral Palsy
- Executive Summary: Providing a Primary Care Medical Home for Children and Youth with Cerebral Palsy
- Promoting the Participation of Children with Disabilities in Sports, Recreation, and Physical Activities
- Sexuality of Children and Adolescents with Developmental Disabilities
- Maltreatment of Children with Disabilities
- Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities as Organ Transplantation Recipient
- Promoting Optimal Development: Identifying Infants and Young Children With Developmental Disorders Through Developmental Surveillance and Screening
- Identification, Evaluation, and Management of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Executive Summary: Identification, Evaluation, and Management of Children With Autism Spectrum
- Prescribing Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy Services for Children with Disabilities
- Psychosocial Factors in Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs and Their Families
- The Role of Integrated Care in a Medical Home for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
- Shared Decision-Making and Children with Disabilities: Pathways to Consensus
- Pain Assessment and Treatment in Children with Significant Impairment of the Central Nervous System
- Recognition and Management of Medical Complexity
- Out-of-Home Placement for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities - Addendum: Care Options for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities and Medical Complexity
- Out-of-Home Placement for Children and Adolescents With Disabilities
- The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) for Children With Special Educational Needs
- Supporting the Health Care Transition from Adolescence to Adulthood in the Medical Home
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for Children and Youth with Disabilities
- Providing a Primary Care Medical Home for Children and Youth With Spina Bifida
- Nonoral Feeding for Children and Youth With Developmental or Acquired Disabilities
- Patient- and Family-Centered Care Coordination: A Framework for Integrating Care for Children and Youth Across Multiple Systems
- Learning Disabilities, Dyslexia, and Vision (Policy Statement)
- Learning Disabilities, Dyslexia, and Vision (Technical Report)
- Early Intervention, IDEA Part C Services, and the Medical Home: Collaboration for Best Practice and Best Outcomes
- Motor Delays: Early Identification and Evaluation
- Oral Health Care for Children with Developmental Disabilities
- Sensory Integration Therapies for Children with Developmental and Behavioral Disorders
- Home Care of Children and Youth With Complex Health Care Needs and Technology Dependencies
- Prescribing Assistive-Technology Systems: Focus on Children With Impaired Communication
Additional publications authored by the COCWD can be found on AAP News and
Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics