The Year 2023 is a year of hope. I welcome all new and current SOIMG members, and the executive council. New Year, new resolutions and optimism go hand in hand. I have two resolutions for this year.

  • The first is to take meaningful steps towards equity and stay attentive to the diversity of race, ethnicity, nationality, creed, sexual orientation, gender identity, education, socio-economic status, ability, and language. More importantly be inclusive of thoughts, vision, and opinions and aware of our own biases. Residency interviews are in full swing. Keeping inclusivity and awareness at the forefront in the resident selection process is my goal and determination. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) and Justice’s full integration is still far from fruition. At best, we are at the doorstep of this massive movement. This movement, which has the force behind it, but its progress has been slowed down by its own inertia. While everyone agrees with the need for equity, but it is still misconstrued with available opportunities and fair play. Most of the work places are still in the infancy stage of the process of identifying and improving DEI, so the determinations continue.
  • The second is to be receptive to the emotional health needs of all my trainees and be aware of my own understanding and acceptance. Align the needs of trainees with their educational goals to ascertain that one does not fall behind due to obliviousness. In the past two years, COVID-19 pandemic, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) surge and now ‘tripledemic’ due to COVID-19, RSV and Influenza has really taken a toll on wellbeing of health care workers as a whole. Emotional stress does not end here; migrant crisis, ongoing senseless war in Ukraine, extreme weather with bomb cyclone, heavy rainfalls and tornadoes, and gun violence, all add up to a serious catastrophe. Current respiratory infection surge is triggering physical strain and mental stress on pediatric trainees, intensivists, emergency physicians, and hospitalists, as well as primary care physicians. Even with increasing workload and the stress of caring for very sick children, the resolve among pediatric community is noteworthy. Keeping welfare and safety of residents in this demanding time ought to be in the front and center.

According to the Chinese zodiac calendar, the year 2023 is a year of rabbit, which symbolizes longevity, peace and prosperity. Let us wish and hope for peace and longevity for everyone.

All the best and see you at NCE in October 2023!

Renuka Verma, MD

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics