Developed by the Section's Committee on Practice


Part I. Overview to Practice Evaluation & Career Planning

Part I looks at the big picture with the intent of highlighting the importance of awareness and adaptation to career planning. The sections below describe the evolution of neonatology as a subspecialty, explore the roles and duties of neonatologists, and review some data on impact and effectiveness of neonatology. The Section on Perinatal Pediatrics of the American Academy of Pediatrics has means to facilitate adaptation, foster change, and manage practices and careers in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine.

Index, Introduction, and Acknowledgements »​​

Historical Perspectives​ »

Impact of Neonatology Over Time​ »​


Part II. Personal Career Planning

Part II personalizes career planning. After you complete the interactive exercises in the Career Planning Personal Workbook, the sections below will provide insight into the interviewing process, outline the nature and importance of collegiality in practice, and provide examples of materials for proactive management of conflict and change.

Career Planning Personal Workbook​ (pdf) ​​»

Interviewing With Skill​ »​

On Becoming a Colleague​ » 

Shared Principles in Practice - An Example » 

Practice Personnel Peer and Self Evaluation Workboo​k (pdf) »


Part III. Practice Scope, Responsibilities, and Workforce​

Part III addresses the spectrum of duties within the daily professional experience of neonatologists, the types of practice, organizational structures of practices, and the environments affecting practices. The Practice Evaluation Workbook​ is provided to record specific details in each area when evaluating a practice, whether for a potential position or in the process of practice strategic planning.

Spectrum of Work Responsibilities - Overview​ »​​

Clinical Care »

Administrative Duties »

Educational Responsibilities »

Scholarly Activities »

Citizenship and Organizational Activities​ »

Practice Types - Overview​ »

Getting Ahead in Academics »

Getting Ahead in Private Practice Neonatology »

Practice Organizational Structure & Governance - Overview »

Practice Environments: Community and Professional »

Practice Evaluation Workbook​ (pdf) »​​​​


Part IV. Important Legal Issues Upon Entering Practice

Part IV outlines some of the many issues with legal ramifications and the importance of legal counsel in the job-securing process.

Legal Issues Upon Entering Practice »


Part V. Pre-recruiting for Practices

Part V outlines the preparations that may assist the practice seeking a new associate.

Preparing to Recruit​ »

The Committee on Practice welcomes all suggestions and comments on the material in ths project. Feel free to contact individual committee members or Jim Couto, Section Manager, at


Members of the Section on Perinatal Pediatrics, Committee on Practice 


John Hartline, MD

DeWayne Pursley, MD

Project Leader

John Hartline, MD

Committee members

Claudia Alleyne, MD

Steven Block, MD

Robert Cicco, MD

Andrew Hopper, MD

Gilbert Martin, MD

Michelle Walsh, MD

Robert White, MD

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics