Reasons to Join WiN

  • Belong to a Community that is focused on support and advancement of women neonatologists: WiN is the special interest group focused on women neonatologists to foster a sense of community and partnership. The mission is to create a network of women in neonatology to foster leadership and professional development, as well as research, education, clinical care and advocacy in our field of neonatal-perinatal medicine.
  • Have access to new resources developed to engage and promote women neonatologists:   One of the main goals of WiN is to provide new resources and highlight existing resources for members in areas including but not limited to career development, health and wellness,  leadership and networking . Members can access these resources through monthly newsflashes, through the WiN website and our multiple social media outreach tools.
  • Information on opportunities to advance women neonatologists: WiN also aims to keep members aware of opportunities for career advancement by advertising leadership positions, collaboration opportunities, travel grants etc!
  • Provide members with networking and Mentorship avenues: Networking and mentorship is crucial for success in one’s career as well as in navigating through challenges. WiN membership will provide these opportunities through their online, social media outlets as well as during gatherings in national meetings (AAP NCE and PAS). WiN membership provides members with networking opportunities with your peers as well as networking with leaders in neonatolgy.
Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics