The complex interplay between genetics and the environment results in the wide range of pathogenesis and severity seen in children with atopic dermatitis.

  • Children of parents who both have atopic dermatitis have a 5-fold increased risk of early-onset atopic dermatitis.
  • Twin studies reveal a concordance rate of 72% in monozygotic twins and 23% in dizygotic twins.
  • The mutation of a protein found in the stratum corneum (filaggrin) is implicated in some patients with atopic dermatitis. Not all patients with a filaggrin defect develop atopic dermatitis.

The skin lesions of atopic dermatitis develop because of deformations in the skin barrier and imbalances in the adaptive immune system.

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The development of this information was made possible through support from Sanofi and Regeneron.

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics