Program/Project Name

P-KIC Pediatrics for Kids in Care

Affiliation Name

University of Calgary / Alberta Children's Hospital

Website URL

Model Type

Social Services


Calgary Alberta Canada



State specific location

Numerous Pediatric Offices around Calgary Associated with Social Services

How is program/project funded?

State Funding, Health Insurance

Describe how it's funded

2/3 is funded through the Provincial Health Care Plan (Public) and 1/3 is funded by Social Services (Government).

What services does it provide?

Entry to care health assessment, Comprehensive health assessment, Standardize screening (developmental, mental health), In-clinic mental health evaluation, Subspecialty referrals, Ongoing primary care/medical home

Where does it provide services?


Description of program/project

​P-KIC (Paediatrics for Kids in Care) is an initiative of Calgary and area child and family services, in partnership with the Calgary Health Region, Southern Alberta Child and Youth Health Network, and several community paediatricians. Our model is one in which CFSA will have timely access to identified community-based paediatricians to provide comprehensive and timely care to this population.

How are patients tracked?

Commercial electronic medical record, Telus Practice Solutions is the Primary Systems and the Social Services System

Does the program provide special focus?

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, Substance use and abuse, Developmental delay/issues, Mental health, Developmental Issues, Children in family foster care, Youth in group home/residential care, Young Children, Adolescents, Oral Health

Program/Project strengths
  • Amazing Collaboration and Communication.
  • Huge database (which needs to be mined).
Program/Project challenges
  • The P-KIC Program requires ++ Collaboration with like-minded individuals.
  • The EMRs help.
Contact Name

Roxanne Goldade

Email Address

Phone Number


Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics