Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a prevalent public health issue that can negatively impact the health and wellbeing of children and adolescents in your practice. There are things that pediatricians can do to help support survivors of IPV and their children within the context of pediatric practice. The short videos below highlight important information about IPV and provide tips and strategies that pediatric health care providers can use in their practice.
What Pediatricians Should Know About IPV

Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence

Impacts of IPV on Child and Adolescent Health
Tips for Pediatricians – Short Video Series

Partnering with Domestic Violence Coalitions

Signs of IPV in Pediatric Settings

Documenting IPV in the Electronic Health Record

Trauma-Sensitive Responses to Disclosures of IPV

Intimate Partner Violence Myths and Misconceptions
Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics