Children and adolescents in the United States (US) face increasing challenges to their mental and behavioral health. This page provides important information about the AAP PMHCA Technical Assistance Program and technical assistance for pediatricians and other pediatric primary care professionals to better prepare them to promote healthy development and to address mental, behavioral and relational health concerns with infants, children, adolescents and families within the medical home.

AAP PMHCA Technical Assistance Program Overview

The AAP Pediatric Mental Health Care Access (PMHCA) Technical Assistance (TA) Program provides technical assistance to primary care providers (PCPs) to support them in their management and care of mental health concerns in practice and to promote the use of local and regional PMHCA programs  across the country.

We aim to build the knowledge, skills and confidence of pediatricians and other pediatric PCPs to address mental, behavioral and relational health concerns of infants, children, adolescents and families within the medical home setting and to effectively connect with PMHCA programs for teleconsultation, education and support. This work is supported through a cooperative agreement from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).

The Pediatric Mental Health Care Access Program* is a mental and behavioral health teleconsultation resource for primary care professionals. Statewide or regional networks of pediatric mental health teams provide teleconsultation, training, technical assistance and care coordination support services for pediatric PCPs to recognize pediatric mental and behavioral health conditions and to diagnose, treat and refer children with such concerns within the medical home.

*PMHCA programs are also referred to as Child Psychiatry Access Programs (CPAPs).

49 US states have at least one PMHCA/CPAP program. Find your state’s program here.

Promoting Pediatric Mental Health in Rural and Underserved Areas

August 30 |12:00PMCST

Join us for a 45-minute webinar focused on promoting pediatric mental health in rural and underserved areas. Participants will gain understanding of the importance of healthy mental development, particularly in rural and underserved communities and strategies to promote pediatric healthy mental development in the primary care setting.

Register Flyer

Virtual Events

Office Hours

Join our AAP PMHCA Office Hours hosted by various subject matter experts. If you’re interested in attending an office hour, please register.

Virtual Learning Cafés

In partnership with the Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs (AMCHP), the virtual learning cafés will provide an opportunity for state Maternal and Child Health staff to connect around the utilization of PMHCA programs and support health care professionals to provide mental health services within the medical home. If you are interested in attending a virtual café session, please register.


Join the AAP PMHCA Technical Assistance Program team and diverse subject matter experts in discussing a range of healthy mental, behavioral and relational health topics, and how PMHCA program services can provide teleconsultation, training and education to pediatricians and other pediatric PCPs regarding their patients’ and families' concerns.

View Healthy Mental Development Framework Webinar

Brief Interventions Flyer

Check out our downloadable and printable flyer that includes 5 ways to promote children’s healthy mental development.

Download PDF



Contact Us

The AAP PMHCA TA Program team welcomes any questions or suggestions. Please submit your inquiries to our team using our contact us form. 


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $1,700,000 with no percentage financed with nongovernmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement by, HRSA, HHS or the US Government.

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics