Oral healthcare is a vitally important part of primary care and payment is a necessary part of offering oral health services within the medical setting.  Use these resources for help with getting paid for oral health services.

Medicaid Payment of Preventive Oral Health Services

Download this excel document to review Medicaid reimbursement rates, codes, age limits, and training required for preventive oral health services within the medical setting in each state. 

Private Payer Advocacy

If you are having trouble receiving payment for fluoride varnish application from a private payer, this template letter can be downloaded on your own letterhead. This letter can help appeal denials for coverage and payment for topical fluoride varnish application by pediatricians.

Oral Health Coding Fact Sheet

View the current procedural terminology (CPT) and Dental Procedures and Nomenclature (CDT) codes to bill in this helpful reference document.

Oral Health ChartBooks

View charts books detailing scope of practice and reimbursement for select states who participated in an oral health integration project funded by HRSA. (Arizona, Colorado, District of Columbia, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, New York, Ohio, Virginia, and Wyoming.

Video Series: Billing for Oral Health Services

Want to learn more about how to get paid for preventative oral health services? Register for this free online video course, Preventive Oral Health Services Video Series.

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics