The Section on Allergy and Immunology offers many resources for pediatricians, pediatric specialists, and other health care professionals.

AAP Clinical Report: Biologics for Asthma and Allergic Skin Diseases in Children, published November 2021

AAP Clinical Report:  Cord Blood Banking for Future Transplantation, published November 2017

AAP Clinical Report:  Epinephrine for First-aid Management of Anaphylaxis, published February 2017

AAP Clinical Report:  Guidance on Completing a Written Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan
NEW!  Customizable Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan

AAP News Article: True penicillin allergy in children is rare; know how to delabel patients

AAP News Article:  Epinephrine auto-injector for infants, toddlers has lower dose, shorter needle

AAP Clinical Report:  Clinical Tools to Assess Asthma Control in Children, published December 2016

AAP Clinical Report:  Indoor Environmental Control Practices and Asthma Management, published November 2016

Peanut Allergy Prevention Through Early Introduction Video Series:  This free online video series  provides important information on the peanut early introduction guidelines to enable pediatricians to efficiently discuss this approach with parents.  It also includes a video to share with parents to reinforce the recommendations:

Synopsis Book:  Best Articles Relevant to Pediatric Allergy, Asthma and Immunology with contributions from over 50 Section members and their trainees.  The supplement provides the latest information pertinent to the specialty gleaned from reviews of nearly three dozen top scientific journals.

Visiting Professor Program
The Section is pleased to accept applications for its Visiting Professor Program (VPP). The VPP provides grants for Pediatric Allergists/Immunologists to visit institutions with accredited Pediatrics residency training programs for one to two days. The Visiting Professor provides lectures, discusses clinical problems, and assists in introducing procedures that may enhance the allergy/immunology training of pediatric house and attending staffs. The grants provide the Visiting Professor with an honorarium and reimbursement for travel, lodging, and meal expenses.

To apply for a Visiting Professor, please contact us here.

CME Opportunities 
The Pedialink™ CME Finder provides information about numerous live, online, print, and multimedia continuing medical education opportunities for pediatricians, pediatric specialists, and other health care professionals. Search this page for CME opportunities in any topic area. PediaLink™ allows a user to identify learning needs; develop an individualized learning plan; document, transfer, and store CME credit; and link directly to educational resources.

Online Education 
The AAP offers several online educational program for pediatricians and other health care professionals interested in allergy, asthma, and immunology. Learn more about the American Board of Pediatrics-approved asthma module on Education in Quality Improvement for Pediatric Practice (EQIPP) program and the Pediatric Asthma Virtual Journal 

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics