Join the SOU today. Enhance your career by helping children.

Benefits of joining SOU include:

  • identification, with a degree of legitimacy, as a specialist in the care of children

  • tangible support for local pediatricians who are the source of most patient referrals

  • opportunity to serve on Section Executive Committee and Sub-committees

  • opportunity to serve on national AAP committees that draft clinical policy and guidelines

  • access to Section and Academy websites and educational information

  • opportunity to shape and implement child health policy at a local and regional level

  • access to AAP payer advocacy resources to adjudicate disputes with third party private and governmental payers

Section benefits from an active membership

  • leverage to help develop (or respond to) AAP policy statements, clinical reports and practice standards

  • opportunity to educate general pediatricians at the National Conference and Exhibition and other venues

  • opportunity to participate in children's health advocacy particularly as it relates to urologic issues

  • potential partnering with the AAP for development of MOC materials

  • pediatric representation on the American Board of Urology via the AAP Section on Urology nominee

  • outlet for publication of pediatric urology information in AAP News,, and other AAP publications and resources

  • collaboration with other pediatric surgical subspecialists in establishing criteria for referral and for standards of surgical venues for children 

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics