Join the SOU today. Enhance your career by helping children.
Benefits of joining SOU include:
identification, with a degree of legitimacy, as a specialist in the care of children
tangible support for local pediatricians who are the source of most patient referrals
opportunity to serve on Section Executive Committee and Sub-committees
opportunity to serve on national AAP committees that draft clinical policy and guidelines
access to Section and Academy websites and educational information
opportunity to shape and implement child health policy at a local and regional level
access to AAP payer advocacy resources to adjudicate disputes with third party private and governmental payers
Section benefits from an active membership
leverage to help develop (or respond to) AAP policy statements, clinical reports and practice standards
opportunity to educate general pediatricians at the National Conference and Exhibition and other venues
opportunity to participate in children's health advocacy particularly as it relates to urologic issues
potential partnering with the AAP for development of MOC materials
pediatric representation on the American Board of Urology via the AAP Section on Urology nominee
outlet for publication of pediatric urology information in AAP News,, and other AAP publications and resources
collaboration with other pediatric surgical subspecialists in establishing criteria for referral and for standards of surgical venues for children
Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics