Many children and youth experiencing trafficking and exploitation seek medical care. Healthcare professionals need to be able to recognize and respond appropriately to their unique needs.
Child Trafficking and Exploitation Overview
Whether you work in a busy metropolitan emergency department, private suburban clinic, or rural health center, you are likely to encounter children and youth who have experienced sex and/or labor trafficking or exploitation. Affected individuals need support and assistance from healthcare professionals. This toolkit provides practical information to equip you and your staff to recognize and appropriately respond to patients who have experienced labor or sex trafficking, and those at-risk.
AAP Recommendations
The AAP has published a clinical report on child sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation, as well as a policy statement on global human trafficking and child victimization.
Child Sex Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation: Health Care Needs of Victims
Global Human Trafficking and Child Victimization
What You Should Know About Child Trafficking
A brief overview of child trafficking including definitions, statistics and epidemiology.
Professional Tools & Resources
Resources for Patients and Families
Information on how to provide helpful and relevant resources to patients who have experienced trafficking and those at risk.
Get Involved
Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics