Pediatricians play a key role in ensuring adolescent patients have access to human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines.


Overview of HPV

Almost all adults will be infected with some type of HPV during their lives. HPV is spread by intimate skin-to-skin contact and is the leading cause of at least six types of cancer. HPV vaccination during adolescence protects against over 90% of the cancers caused by the virus. This collection of resources is designed to help you deliver cancer-preventing HPV vaccines and promote vaccine confidence to your patients, families and community.


AAP Recommendations

The AAP recommends routine HPV vaccination for all adolescents starting between age 9 and 12 years, at an age that the provider deems optimal for acceptance and completion of the vaccination series.


Professional Tools and Resources

HPV Toolkit

Use these social media graphics, videos and other resources to share information with families about HPV and how the vaccine gets kids’ immune systems ready to resist the virus so they can live healthy lives.


Printable Resources



HPV Vaccine is Important to Give to Children


Oropharyngeal Cancer and HPV Prevention in Children: 5 Key Points for Pediatricians


Oropharyngeal Cancer and HPV Prevention in Children: 5 Key Points for Dental Professionals

HPV Reminder and Recall Postcards

Download these high-resolution files and print these postcards for easy reminder and recall of your patients.

AAP Reminder and Recall Postcard instructions: From the dropdown menu, select the postcard file for your preferred printing method. If you are using a printing service, select the Printer-Ready PDF file. If you wish to address and print* them yourself, select the Fillable PDF file.

*To add your practice logo, select the Fillable PDF file. Hover over the space above the practice address field. A box will appear. Click the box and upload your logo. Logos should be 300 dpi and at least 1 inch in height, jpg format preferred, and will adjust to fit the space.

Customizable Reminder Postcards for Practices

Customizable Overdue Postcards for Practices

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics