In order to be included and/or listed on this website a program must:

  • have been rigorously evaluated through either randomized control trials (RCT) or comparative effectiveness trials (CET) that had an a priori outcome of improvement in the BMI of children between the ages of 2 and 18
  • be a comprehensive, intensive, family-centered behavioral intervention that is non-stigmatizing and inclusive, while being consistent with USPSTF & CPG recommendations (provides 26 or more contact hours over 3-12 months); and includes a multi-component focus (i.e. nutrition and physical activity education/counseling and behavior counseling/modification)
  • be "packaged" (or in the process of packaging) with required elements for implementation, including supporting materials in user-friendly formats, such as implementation manuals, training curricula, and evaluation materials
  • have the capacity to provide ongoing technical assistance and have current contact information

IHBLT Programs posted here were gleaned from reviews of recent HHS grantees, or a Google search with the following terms: family-based health interventions, pediatric weight management interventions, health interventions for children and adolescents with obesity and/or family-based healthy lifestyle programs. Inclusion in this list does not constitute and endorsement from the AAP.

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics