Question: Is it OK for my toddler to watch YouTube videos on autoplay to fall asleep?


Answer: Sleep is crucial to so many aspects of child health and development. Unfortunately, research shows that at all ages, longer time spent watching videos, watching in the evening, and exposure to violent content are all linked with poorer sleep. And, having a mobile device or TV in the room is also associated with less sleep. This is because games and videos are exciting and get the nervous system revved up, and melatonin (sleep hormone) gets suppressed by light from screens.

What parents can do

  • If your child watches videos or plays video games to settle down to bed, and nights when you try to stop have been a struggle, try switching what’s playing on YouTube. Instead of videos the child might want to watch, offer kid-friendly meditation videos, or “sleep stories.” This way, your child is learning a few relaxation techniques rather than watching videos.
  • If removing the TV/game console from their room is a battle, try unplugging/removing it overnight and only allow access during the day.
  • Start a reward system for going to sleep without a device in the room – if the child can do it all week, plan a special outing.
  • Engage in other calming activities at bedtime (sing, read, tell stories).


Age: Toddler, 1-3 years

Topics: Sleep, YouTube, Videos

Role: Parent/Caregiver

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics