Available: 09/12/2024-09/11/2025
This is the second iteration of the Fighting Racism to Advance Child Health Equity course. There is currently no CME offering for this activity as further revisions are currently underway.
This activity is designed to change competence and performance by focusing on ways to equip pediatricians to advance child health equity by applying an anti-racist lens to the systems shaping health and medicine. Tools and strategies will be provided to help prepare pediatricians on how to use the power of their platform to address health disparities and help create the conditions that we know support healthier children and families. This educational activity is a chance for pediatricians to come together, get educated, hear that call to be advocates for children and rise up as a community around their diverse pediatric patients to help make sure that they have equitable chances for a healthy future. These repurposed and expanded educational sessions integrate lectures to impart information efficiently, accompanied by questions to reflect individual inquiry, interactive discussions to foster practice change and transfer knowledge into individual contexts, and problem solving and small group activities to encourage discussion and offer differing perspectives in order to achieve better learning and application.
Video 1: The Impact of Racism on Child and Adolescent Health
Video 2: A is for Anti-Racist: How Pediatricians Can Promote Racial Justice Through Clinical Practice
Video 3: Disrupting Business as Usual: Building a Diverse, Inclusive and Anti-Racist Workforce
Video 4: Pandemics + Policing + Protest: On Racism, Child Health and the Urgency to Act
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