American Academy of Pediatrics
Test your knowledge in pediatric hospital medicine in a fun, engaging way. Gain insight into inpatient topics and cases with relevant content. Includes suggested readings for further study and text and email alerts to deliver questions to your phone or inbox on the schedule you choose. Also includes PREP ponder points for you to consider in your institution and the opportunity for you to be an agent of change at your hospital.
2021 Topics include:
A subscription to PREP Hospital Medicine, online only, includes:
All PREP Self-Assessments include enhanced reporting, confidence ratings and new PREP Pearls as flash cards to help you identify areas for further study and improvement.
Group Rates Available!
To request a custom quote for your group, practice or institution fill out the group rates order form and submit.
Enduring Materials
AAP Credit
MOC Part 2
AAPA Credit Hours
CPS Credit
Jonathan E Fliegel, MD, FAAP
Deputy Editor
Mary Esther M. Rocha, MD, MPH, FAAP
Advisory Editor
Mary C. Ottolini, MD, MPH, Med, FAAP, FHM
Jared Austin, MD, FAAP; Scott Carney, MD, FAAP; Jeremy Kern, MD, FAAP; Erich Maul, DO, MPH, FAAP; Kamakshya Patra, MD, FAAP; Mary Queen, MD, FAAP; Anand Sekaran, MD, FAAP, FHM; Jasna Seserinac, MD, FAAP, FHM; Susan Walley, MD, FAAP; Jeffrey Winer, MD, FAAP; Johanna Kielbasa, MD, FAAP; Alexandra Vinci, MD, FAAP
The PREP® Hospital Medicine online specialty self-assessment delivers peer-reviewed questions, critiques, and references mapped to the American Board of Pediatrics’ (ABP) subspecialty content specifications.
Price:: 303.00