
The Council on Sports Medicine and Fitness will support and encourage optimal and safe physical activity in the pediatric population and ensure that pediatric providers are prepared to provide the highest level of sports medicine guidance and care for their patients.


The Council on Sports Medicine and Fitness is to be viewed as the leader in the provision of sports medicine care for youth in order to maximize health-related physical fitness, physical activity, and the benefits of sport for all children and adolescents.

Vision Concepts

The Council on Sports Medicine and Fitness will reach pediatricians, health care practitioners, allied health professionals, as well as coaches, parents, and children through the development of

  • educational programs,
  • policy statements and reports,
  • resident education,
  • collaborative partnerships,
  • media outreach,
  • advocacy work,
  • awards to support and encourage research, and implementation projects.
Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics