To advance pediatric health and well-being through collaboration, communication and education on the discovery and development of therapeutics and technology and their successful translation into practice. ​

Our Goals:

  • Communication
    To improve communication and relationships with AAP members within industry, academia and government agencies to create opportunity for dialogue with the organizations that employ them​.

  • Education
    To educate AAP membership on the discovery, development, and implementation process for therapeutics and technology.

  • Networking
    To create a vibrant member community and network that will add value to AAP members.
    To serve as a resource and integrate expertise with other Sections, Committees and membership-at-large.

  • Integration
    To explore the research and development process and make recommendations that will improve quality, safety, understanding and efficiency.

    SOATT welcomes all AAP members who have an interest in the mission and goals of our Section.

    While some members work in the pharmaceutical or device industry, the Food and Drug Administration, or the National Institutes of Health, others are pediatricians who share a common interest in pediatric medical advances. We feel that diversity in Section membership will bring about valuable discussions and partnerships with the intent of improving the health of children.

Get Involved
Your contributions to SOATT will help to determine our success. Here are some ways you can actively participate in the Section:​

  • Encourage friends and colleagues to join SOATT.
  • Spread the word about SOATT to other Sections, Committees and AAP members.
  • Be an active contributor to our listserv.
  • Consider offering to write an article for our newsletter. ​
  • Suggest topics for the newsletter, Listserv, or Section activities.
  • Join one of our subcommittees and/or suggest a new subcommittee.

As members of SOATT, we look forward to working together to help advance the health and well-being of children. We are always seeking new members who are interested in the goals and activities of our Section.

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics