The Section on Cardiology & Cardiac Surgery is committed to improving the care of infants, children, and adolescents with cardiac conditions. Objectives for the Section on Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery include providing an opportunity within the Academy for the presentation and discussion of investigations and scientific observations pertaining to the cardiovascular system in children, at the AAP National Conference & Exhibition. Our top priorities are education, advocacy and leadership.

The Section on Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery consults with the AAP Board of Directors and makes recommendations for programs, policy statements and other actions on matters relating to pediatric cardiology.

There are nine subcommittees: Advocacy & Public Policy, CHPHC, Early Career, Membership, Publications & Communications, Research, Surveys, Trainees and Webinars. These committees meet regularly to discuss issues important to pediatric cardiology, publish articles, write policy, host webinars, and advocate.

The Specialty Review in Pediatric Cardiology planning committee puts on a board review course every other year and puts out a virtual course in the intervening years.

New to the section, is the Trainees Committee or Trainees in Cardiology & Cardiac Surgery (TCCS). They are creating a home for the pediatric cardiology training fellows and residents within the AAP, working closely with the Section on Pediatric Trainees.

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics