What is ICATCH?

ICATCH stands for International Community Access to Child Health.  We are a team of 30 mostly US-based pediatricians who care passionately about supporting our colleagues in developing countries to improve the health and well-being of children in their local communities. 

ICATCH has a unique ability to leverage its small 3-year grants to support carefully selected local health providers and educators.  We use our networks of technical experts, mentors, donors, and other supporters to implement creative and effective health programs that truly improve child health and that continue long after our funding ends.

The ICATCH Team of pediatricians manages the ICATCH Grant Program, which not only provides modest funding for projects but also provides mentorship, shares educational and training resources, and aids in project evaluation.

The ICATCH projects are organized and overseen by those working in the community, which helps guarantee success and sustainability.

Application Update for 2024-2027 ICATCH Grant Cycle

As of the 2024-2027 ICATCH Grant Cycle, a fiscal sponsor/agent must be identified at the time of deposit to ICATCH recipients, and if an awarded grantee cannot locate one, they will need to work with AAP staff to identify who will be receiving funds.

How is ICATCH funded and how can I join in supporting the program?

ICATCH is supported by the enthusiasm and generosity of fellow pediatricians as well as other individuals who care deeply about improving children’s lives and who understand the unique opportunities that only ICATCH can provide for its grantees.

What is the grant amount and time frame?

Grants are $2000 per year for 3 years. The funds are distributed each July pending approval of a brief annual report after year 1 and 2.  We also require a final report at the end of year 3. We do not allow all the funds to be taken at the start of the program.  The annual Call for Proposals occurs in late October and is posted on our website.

Who can apply for an ICATCH Grant?

Any child healthcare provider (physician, nurse, midwife, physical therapist, mental health provider, etc.) or child health educator from a low- or low-middle income country can apply. Each proposal must include a project Director (must live in or near the community) and Co-Director (can live anywhere but must be actively involved with the project for 3 years).

What can ICATCH funds be used for?

Funds can be used to start or expand a program that provides clinical care to infants, children, or adolescents, provides health education for children or youth, or provides training for health care providers. Please note: ICATCH does not fund research projects, assessments, or surveys.  Our mission is to provide the services that we already know make children healthier.

What is a fiscal?

A fiscal agent acts as a fiscal sponsor for a grantee if the project is not being submitted by an organization. A fiscal agent can be a non-governmental organization, government organization, university, or civil society organization. The fiscal agent will receive the ICATCH grant award funding on behalf of the project. Fiscal agents must agree to transfer the ICATCH award funds to the designated ICATCH project Director or Co-Director and cannot withhold an administrative or indirect fee. If an awarded grantee cannot locate a fiscal agent, the AAP staff will work with them to identify an appropriate entity prior to grant initiation.

For more details on how and when to apply, view our application information.  

Other questions?

Contact our ICATCH staff at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) for any additional questions.

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Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics