Section Membership is open to the following Member types:
- Candidate Members
- Corresponding Fellows
- Fellows
- Fellowship Trainees
- Honorary Fellows
- Medical Students
- National Affiliates
- Residents
- Senior Members
- Specialty Fellows
Medical Students - $0*
Residents and Fellowship Trainees - $10*
All other accepted National member types - $25*
*Section Affiliates - $60
*In addition to national dues - Special Requirements: must be involved or have an interest in pediatric home management.
Section Affiliate membership
Licensed Health Professionals including: Physicians, Osteopaths, Pharmacists, Nutritionists, Licensed/Registered Therapists (Respiratory Therapist, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, and Speech and Language Pathologists), and Nurses not eligible for membership in the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Applicants must submit:
Current curriculum vitae
A copy of a current license in the relevant profession
Family Members*
Caregivers who are or have been a primary caregiver and decision maker for a child with a serious, complex condition, who experience or have experienced pediatric home health care, and are committed to the ongoing development of the field of pediatric home health care are welcome to apply as affiliate members of the Section.
Applicants should describe their involvement with home care, their roles as family advocates in organizations for families/children, any roles in advisory capacities to home health care programs, or other related involvements.
Applicants should have the following qualities and skills:
Ability to share insights and information about experiences in ways others can learn.
Ability to see a larger picture, including but beyond personal experience.
Concern for a variety of issues impacting children, families, providers, home health care.
Speak comfortably in a group, with candor.
Interact and work well with others, respecting varied perspectives.
Work with section members to carry out activities to achieve the mission.
Applicants must submit:
A letter supporting the application from an involved, licensed physician
A personal note, up to 1-page, describing experience and interest.
*Family Members: parents, siblings, grandparents, foster parents, other non-biological family members/friends.
Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics