​Section Membership is open to the following Member types:

  • Associate Members
  • Candidate Members
  • Corresponding Fellows
  • Fellows
  • Fellowship Trainees
  • Honorary Fellows
  • International Members
  • Medical Students
  • National Affiliates
  • Residents
  • Senior Members and Specialty Fellows


Medical Students, Residents and Fellowship Trainees - $0*
All other accepted national member types - $25*
Section Affiliates - $40
(*in addition to national dues)

Applicants must submit:

• A signed tobacco disclosure statement must be submitted along with application

Section Affiliate membership

  1. Allied health care professionals (nurses, advanced practice providers, psychologists, social workers).
  2. International Pediatricians or licensed physicians not otherwise eligible for AAP membership (e.g., internists or family medicine specialists).
  3. Researchers/educators/policy experts with a doctoral degree (PhD, EdD, JD).
  4. Public health and education professionals (MPH, state and local health department tobacco prevention and treatment staff, childcare professionals and educators).
  5. Exceptional individuals who are not otherwise eligible for AAP membership, and who are not represented in the above categories who have made outstanding contributions to the field of tobacco prevention also may be nominated for Affiliate Membership by a voting member. The nominating member shall submit substantial evidence of nominee’s contributions to the field of tobacco prevention, which will be reviewed and subject to vote by the Executive Committee.

Affiliate members must submit:

  • Copy of current curriculum vitae
  • Copy of license, certificate or diploma where applicable
  • A signed tobacco disclosure statement
  • A letter of recommendation from an AAP Fellow or Specialty Fellow who is a member of the section, detailing the nominee’s involvement in tobacco prevention and treatment.
Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics