Factors to consider when establishing and implementing a curbside or drive thru vaccination clinic include:

Set-up Space

  • Check with the landlord of your practice and review your practice’s general liability policy. Your policy may already cover patients and their families in the practice parking lots, hallways, and office spaces.
  • If your practice setting lacks adequate space, consider approaching a bank or other local businesses for help.


  • Identify a day and time in which adequate staffing is available.
  • Determine the number of patients you can reasonably vaccinate during clinic hours, considering the timing between patients.
  • Identify a scheduling/registration process for patients and families (eg, online versus real time); consider using scheduling software
  • Determine when (eg, before or during) in relation to a patient’s clinic appointment your practice will distribute consent forms, conduct COVID-19 screening, provide Vaccine Information Sheets, verify insurance eligibility, and conduct pre-visit wellness, chronic disease, and medication check verifications.

Obtain Needed Materials and Supplies

Determine Strategy for Maintaining Cold Chain

It is important to maintain recommended vaccine temperatures, even during vaccine clinics that may take place outside the office. It is important that influenza vaccine NOT be exposed to freezing temperatures, as this may render the vaccine ineffective.

In general, total time using off-site vaccine storage should be limited to a maximum of 8 hours, although consideration should be given to transporting needed vaccines every 1-2 hours from your clinic refrigerator. The preferred option for vaccine storage is a portable vaccine refrigerator with a temperature monitoring device.

Additional information, including other options for off-site vaccine storage, can be found in the CDC Vaccine Storage and Handling Toolkit (see page 21).

Consider Your Intake Process

A possible intake process might look like the following:

  • Check in patient and check for completeness of pre-visit information
  • Perform a pre-visit COVID-19 questionnaire
  • Check patient temperature
  • Advise patient to loosen or remove clothing if needed
  • Collect any necessary forms for daycare and/or school that need completing
  • Distribute the appropriate Vaccine Information Statement(s) (VIS) before each vaccine dose is given. It is the law. There are many acceptable ways to provide patients and parents with VISs. The ways to give a VIS are detailed on the CDC website.

Determine Workflow for Vaccine Administration and Documentation

Establish a workflow and assign staff to different tasks.

  • Direct car to designated location and confirm the car is put in park
  • Ask for parent or caregiver assistance depending on the age of the patient
  • Confirm type of vaccine with the patient record and insurance, if your practice administers private purchase vaccine and vaccine through the Vaccines for Children Program
  • Administer vaccine
  • Document vaccine and other required and recommended information in medical record (if WiFi available) or document on clipboard (eg, vaccine manufacturer, lot number, and date of administration; date VIS provided; site and route of administration)
  • Ensure patient safety. Direct patient to a recovery area, if driving, for brief observation

Establish a Contingency Plan

If weather or another deterrent arises, have a back-up plan in place.

Prepare for Emergencies

Ensure equipment, supplies, medications, and a cell phone are available at all times, and that the practice’s emergency plan is up to date.

Promote Your Flu Clinic

Promote your practice’s curbside or drive thru clinic online (eg, patient portal messaging and email, practice website, social media, blog) and/or through an on hold phone message, signage around the practice, and press release.

Additional Resources

Resources for Hosting a Vaccination Clinic – This webpage includes links to resources from the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit including the following:

Consider contacting your local Vaccines for Children Program and/or vaccine manufacturers for mobile vaccination clinic resources.

Please contact the AAP at COVID-19@aap.org with your COVID-19-related questions.

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics