Council membership is open to the following member types: 

  • Associate Members
  • Candidate Members
  • Corresponding Fellows
  • Fellows
  • Fellowship Trainees
  • International Members
  • Medical Students
  • National Affiliates
  • Resident Members
  • Senior Members
  • Specialty Fellows


Medical Students, Residents and Fellowship Trainees - $0*
All other AAP National member types - $30*
Council Affiliates: $60
(*in addition to National dues)

National Member Special Requirements: Must be interested in contributing toward the objectives of the council.

Council Affiliate Members are:
a. licensed physicians, allied health professionals, child health professionals, emergency responders, community leaders, or others who are not eligible for membership in the Academy and 1) have a college degree or relevant certification, 2) hold a professional role in some aspect of disaster management, 3) are interested in contributing towards the objectives of the Council, and 4) practice or work in the United States or Canada.

b. Physicians who practice medicine in another country and do not qualify for National Membership will be considered on an individual basis by the Council Executive Committee.

With the application for membership, an affiliate member candidate must submit:

  1. A copy of their current license, degree, or certification
  2. Letter of recommendation from an AAP Member or professional who can confirm their relevant professional role
  3. Curriculum Vitae


Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics