Join the SOA today. Enhance your career by helping children

Write the next practice-changing, safety-improving, life-saving Policy Statement

View a complete listing of Anesthesia and Pain Medicine topic related policies from the SOA

Educate pediatricians and pediatric specialists to improve management of perioperative care

  • Lectures and Panels at the annual AAP National Conference and Exhibition
  • Lectures and panels at AAP regional meetings
  • Online CME and MOC content via PediaLink
  • Publications in Pediatrics and AAP News

Educate parents and caregivers

Write for one of the most trusted, well-read parent and caregiver resources for child health, SOA members provide articles and content to help educate the public on the best care for children in anesthesia and pain medicine. Recent SOA articles include:

Advocate for children and families

Members in the SOA do amazing things for children and their families. We need your help to fight for key advocacy issues such as:

  • Gun Violence Prevention
  • Access to Care for Migrant Children
  • Prevention of Drug Shortages
  • Funding for Anesthetic Neurotoxicity Research
  • Loan Repayment for Pediatric Subspecialists

SOA members have access to the AAP’s bi-annual Academic and Subspecialty Advocacy Report, summarizing the AAP’s federal advocacy efforts on behalf of pediatric medical subspecialists, pediatric surgical specialists and academicians.

AAP Members have access to AAP Federal Advocacy Tools including advocacy training modules.

Honors, Awards, and Grants

  • Honor our pioneers in pediatric Anesthesia and Pain Medicine with the Robert M. Smith Award
  • Support our future researchers with the John J. Downes Resident Research Award