Section Membership is open to the following Member types: 

  • Candidate Members
  • Corresponding Fellows
  • Fellows
  • Fellowship Trainees
  • Honorary Fellows
  • National Affiliates
  • Medical Students
  • Residents
  • Senior Members 
  • Specialty Fellows​

Dues/year: Medical Students and Residents - $10*. All other accepted national member types - $25*; Section Affiliates - $60
* In addition to national dues

Section Affiliate membership

Physicians, pharmacists, and investigators (eg PhD biomedical scientists) not eligible for membership in the national AAP who have completed at least 1 year of postgraduate training/study in a field encompassing pediatric therapeutics (eg pharmacy, clinical pharmacology, regulatory medicine, poison control, resear​ch and development, toxicology) and devote at least 50% of their professional time to practice, research, or education to advance the health of children.

Affiliate Applicants must submit:

  • Current CV or resume
  • Copy of degree or training certificate​


Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics