​The Section on Dermatology, founded in 1986, is dedicated to improving the care of infants, children and adolescents with cutaneous disorders by providing an educational forum for the discussion of problems and treatments relating to cutaneous disorders.​ The Section is also charged with stimulating research in, and the teaching of pediatric dermatology, and disseminating knowledge of pediatric dermatology through Academy channels to the medical profession at large. In addition, the Section consults to the AAP Board of Directors on related issues and works with the national committees of the AAP as needed.​
Membership in the Section is open to all Fellows of the Academy with an interest in Dermatology. Specialty Fellows, physicians who are boarded in Dermatology (not Pediatrics) and who meet the specific membership criteria including at least one year training in pediatrics, are also eligible for Section membership. The Section also invites physicians and osteopathic physicians, nurses and nurse practitioners to join the Section as Affiliate members. The Section has a membership of 147 members, and currently assesses dues of $25.​​
Educational Programs
In terms of educational programming, the Section hosts numerous programs at the National Conference and Exhibition (NCE), Practical Pediatrics CME courses, and SuperCME courses of the Academy. Programs include the Section's popular Meet-the-Expert programs, seminars, and Audience Response Case Discussions covering topics such as "Potpourri" of Pediatric Dermatology, Practical Pediatric Dermatology You Can Use, Interesting Cases, Acne, Birthmarks and Hemangiomas, Eczema, Sun Protection, and Neonatal Dermatology, to name a few.​
In 2011, the Section revised the book: Pediatric Dermatology: A Quick Reference Guide. A practical, concise, abundantly illustrated guidance on the recognition and management of more than 100 pediatric and adolescent skin conditions. Formatted for quick access, this book helps you work through dermatologic issues logically and time-effeciently.
The Section has also recently revised their online CME courses, PediaLink modules, entitled, Pediatric Dermatology: Acne, Atopic Dermatitis, Newborn Skin Conditions and Skin Infections. These modules are geared towards general pediatricians and general pediatric residents who see children and adolescents aged 0-16. This interactive program is designed to help busy clinicians effectively identify and manage common skin conditions.​
Visiting Professor Program
The AAP Section on Dermatology is pleased to offer the Walter W. Tunnessen, Jr Visiting Professorship for onsite/in-person pediatric dermatology education as well as the new Janice L. Pelletier Virtual Visiting Professorship which offers 5 hours of pediatric dermatology education.
Dr. Tunnessen was a consummate educator and clinician who devoted much of his career to teaching about skin disorders in children and adolescents.
Dr. Pelletier spent her career practicing and teaching pediatric dermatology and was a tireless advocate ensuring the best health for children and the best education and resources for those physicians who looked after pediatric patients.
The intent of the visiting professorship, named in honor of these physicians, is to bring an expert in pediatric dermatology to pediatric residency programs, either onsite or virtually, to enhance education about dermatologic disease.
The Section works collaboratively with outside medical specialty societies such as the Society for Pediatric Dermatology (SPD) and the American Academy Dermatology (AAD). The Section is often called upon by the Board of Directors and various departments within the Academy to draw upon its expertise in the areas of skin diseases, sun protection, skin cancer prevention and other dermatological issues. The Section has collaborated on policy statements and clinical guidelines, and developed many patient educational pamphlets in these areas.
Also, the Section provides relevant commentary and current insights of many dermatology topics in AAP Grand Rounds. In this publication our Section experts scan more than 75 journals for the most recent advances in pediatric dermatology, summarize them, and add their expert commentary.
The Section also provides a SPD biannual newsletter to all Section members who are not current members of the SPD which gives a literature review of the treatment and management of pertinent pediatric dermatological issues.
Meetings and Awards
The Section holds its organizational meeting at the Society for Pediatric Dermatology (SPD) annual meeting each summer. The Section presents its Alvin Jacobs Award, which recognizes lifetime achievement of a member at the annual SPD meeting.​
Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics