​Section Membership is open to the following Member types:

  • Associate Members
  • Candidate Members
  • Corresponding Fellows
  • Fellows
  • Fellowship Trainees
  • Honorary Fellows
  • International Members
  • Medical Students
  • National Affiliates
  • Resident Members
  • Senior Members
  • Specialty Fellows


  • Medical Students - $0*
  • Residents - $10*
  • All other National member types - $30*
  • Section Affiliates - $75

* In addition to national dues​

Section Affiliate Membership

Non-physicians who are actively involved in the administration and practice of pediatric medicine and employed by or are under the direct supervision of a Fellow of the AAP. 

  • Dues/year: $75


Non-practice administrators employed in a job intimately related to pediatric practice management (e.g. practice management consultants, other business partners). Must submit signed third-party member consent form along with application.

  • ​Dues/year: $340

All Affiliate applicants must submit a copy of license or CV/resume.

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics