Welcome back from your Helping Babies Survive adventure! Whether you were teaching Helping Babies Breathe (HBB), Essential Care for Every Baby (ECEB) or Essential Care for Small Babies (ECSB), thanks for doing your part to take the HBS curricula around the world. Committed volunteers like you make these unique programs a success, and we want to hear about your experience! We would like to share your story on the HBS website and social media outlets. Your experience will inspire others as they learn more about the HBS suite of programs, and plan their very own courses in the field.

Below you will find a few guiding questions to help you get started, but feel free to be creative and go beyond them to include anything you would like to share. Please write your story in narrative form—this will help your readers get your personal perspective. Below the guiding questions you will find an example of an engaging story from the field. Your experience and advice will help the efforts of HBS!

  • Tell us about yourself: Your name, your area of expertise, and where you live.

  • What made you decide to become involved in Helping Babies Survive?

  • Which HBS program(s) did you teach? Where and when did your course take place (country, region, and location)?

  • Who did you train (nurses, midwives, doctors) in your course?

  • What worked best for your course?

  • What did not work well for your course?

  • Can you name one completely unanticipated challenge you faced and how you were able to overcome it?

  • What advice would you offer others implementing HBS programs in the field?

  • What is one thing you would have done differently if you were able to?

  • Do you have any course photos/videos to share? (We’d love to include those with your story!)

Thank you for sharing!​

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics