Welcome to the RFP Opportunity page! The American Academy of Pediatrics is a not-for-profit organization of 67,000 pediatricians committed to the optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.

Opportunities for providing goods and services to support our mission are available below.  All Requests for Proposals have specific timelines, response and evaluation criteria and are open to all vendors who meet the set qualifications. The AAP encourages responses from qualified small businesses, minority businesses and women's business enterprises.

Learn more about our commitment to compliance with important nondiscrimination and affirmative action requirements here.

​Questions regarding specific RFPs should be addressed to the contact noted within the RFP document.

1175041–RFP–01 - Evaluator for Managing Food Allergies in Schools Project Revised

1175041–RFP–01 - Evaluator for Managing Food Allergies in Schools Project Revised  Bid Price Form

1175041–RFP–01 - Evaluator for Managing Food Allergies in Schools Project Q&A

1143012-RFP-01 - Quality Improvement Advisor Bid Price Form REVISED

1143012-RFP-01 - Quality Improvement Advisor REVISED

1146102 – RFP – 01 - Medical Writer - REVISED

1146102 – RFP – 01 - Medical Writer Bid Price Form - REVISED

1146092-RFP-01 - Promoting Equitable Adolescent (and Young Adult) Reproductive (PEAR) Health Project

1146092-RFP-01 - Promoting Equitable Adolescent (and Young Adult) Reproductive (PEAR) Health Project Bid Price Form

1146092-RFP-01 - Promoting Equitable Adolescent (and Young Adult) Reproductive (PEAR) Health Project

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics