The AAP’s commitment to improving the lives of children goes beyond our borders. AAP staff and members advocate directly to the U.S. government and globally through international organizations like the United Nations and its public health agency, the World Health Organization, for policies and programs that will support all children to reach their full potential.

Learn more about the Academy’s global advocacy efforts.

U.S. Federal Advocacy on Global Health

Our Washington, DC office has been the Academy's voice on federal issues impacting children and pediatricians for five decades. The Academy works with Congress, the Administration and the judicial system to advocate for a wide range of child health topics including, but not limited to, health care access and coverage, immigrant child health, gun violence prevention, tobacco & e-cigarettes, vaccines and child nutrition.

As with our domestic efforts, the AAP advances global child health priorities through advocating directly to the U.S. Congress and Administration around issues of maternal and child health, nutrition, early childhood development, ending violence against children, global health security, noncommunicable diseases and vaccines.

Global Advocacy

The Academy directly advocates to the United Nations, and its public health agency, the World Health Organization, to ensure child health issues are prioritized in the larger global health agenda. The AAP participates in the World Health Assembly every year, advocating for policies to improve child health at the World Health Organization. The Academy also participates in the United Nations General Assembly and High-Level Meetings on health issues, working to ensure the needs of children are prioritized.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a collection of 17 global goals designed to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all, expire in less than a decade. The Academy urges governments, civil society (including pediatric societies) and the private sector to work together to reach global and national targets on child health.

The Academy works closely with several partners outside of the United States on global child health, including the International Pediatric Association, NCD Alliance, UNICEF, Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (PMNCH) and others.