The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is your professional home for all your career needs. As you transition from residency to fellowship or to practice, look to the AAP and your 67,000 pediatric colleagues for practice-related information, mentoring, networking, Maintenance of Certification and Continuing Medical Education. We’re here to help you be the best doctor you can be for kids.

Members support child health through advocacy efforts

The AAP has been involved for decades in advocacy efforts to address several child health issues including gun violence, immunizations, injury prevention, Medicaid coverage, and more. From engaging pediatrician members to share videos about why Medicaid matters to their patients to inundating Capitol Hill with advocacy outreach from pediatricians, the AAP has made a difference for children at the federal and state level. When kids have no voice, the AAP is there to speak for their best interests

Visit our Federal Advocacy area for the latest information and resources on AAP federal policy priorities. Become a Key Contact to receive important assignments, timely federal updates, and information on upcoming events related to federal advocacy. Email to sign up today.

Visit our State Advocacy area (login required) to access state advocacy resources including online state bill tracking, state issue briefs, state advocacy e-updates, and much more.

Benefits + Services for Members

Enhance your knowledge and establish connections vital to providing optimal care for children. AAP Membership can be your springboard to career advancement or a platform for the initiatives that are most important to you!

With AAP Membership, You Can:

  • Prepare for subspecialty board exams with online access to PREP® Subspecialty Self-Assessments covering 13 areas of specialty care (for Fellowship Trainees only).
  • Stay current with the latest in pediatrics and infectious diseases with Red Book® Online, Pediatrics (print and online), AAP News (print and online), AAP News breaking news alerts and AAP News OnCall.
  • Enhance quality and close practice gaps with EQIPP quality improvement courses.
  • Take advantage of the lifelong e-learning center through your subscription to PediaLink®.
  • Take action on federal legislation impacting children and the practice of pediatrics as a Key Contact.
  • Access members-only content throughout

Membership Also Allows You to:

  • Save money with member discounts on AAP products, services, and meetings.
  • Improve practice efficiency and patient care through valuable practice support resources online.
  • Participate in improving the quality and value of care and outcomes for children through the Quality Improvement Innovation Networks (QuIIN).
  • Save money through member advantage programs in insurance, credit cards, car rentals, office supplies, website development, pediatric purchasing, telehealth programs, and more!
  • Collaborate with others who share similar interests and specialties through membership opportunities in sections and councils.
  • Promote your practice through a listing in Find a Pediatrician on
  • Access more than 67,000 pediatric colleagues through the membership directory.
  • Conveniently book travel through AAP Travel Services or online through Concur.

Enhanced AAP Member Benefit! For the new 2021 edition of Red Book®, members* will be able to receive a complimentary print copy in addition to Red Book® Online as part of their member benefit. One print copy per member can be requested online at (login required).

*Medical Student Members, International Members, and Corresponding Fellows are excluded from this promotion. A $17 shipping & handling fee applies.


Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics