If you’re part of or employed by an academic centier, or a medical organization, there are often several steps to take for a smooth retirement.

  1. Contact your Human Resourses Dept. Learn whether there are special arrangements for vacation benefits during the retirement year.
  2. Contact your Department Chair, Department Supervisor and Medical Director. This is especially important when your retirement will require recruiting a replacement or changes in support staff. In some organizations the actual retirement date is only established after considering the needs of the department, those of the organization, and those of the retiree.
  3. Change contact information. Be sure to update your mailing address, phone number and email address with the organization.
  4. Notify key contacts. Information technology, mail room, financial services payroll person.
  5. Patient Medical Records. Attend to preservation or destruction (and patient notification about) medical records.  See “Closing Your Pediatric Practice” for more information.
  6. Practice Buyout. For those in partnerships or for some incorporated practices, there may be a buy-out requirement with the other partners or shareholders. Consultation with the interested parties about your buy-out agreement is essential. 
  7. Contact Medical Staff Secretary of hospitals with which you are affiliated. Notify them of the exact date of your retirement and other relevant information.
  8. Give feedback. An exit interview with the leadership of your group may be an option.


There may be ways to maintain some contact with your colleagues, clinics, or hospitals after retirement. Find out how to do this appropriately. Contacting someone who has already retired will be helpful. You’ll want to balance remaining in touch with not being overwhelmed by too much information.

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics