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Membership Requirements

Section/Council Affiliate Members must meet the qualifications and requirements stipulated by the respective Section/Council Bylaws and the AAP Board of Directors. To find out if the section or council you are interested in accepts Affiliate members, click on the link below to view their specific qualifications. Please be aware that most section/councils require additional materials for consideration. Applications will not be processed until all necessary materials are received. Learn more about sections and councils including membership qualifications and requirements and, if needed, access a sponsor form.

Application Process: Applicants will be notified in writing when the application is complete and has been approved by the Section/Council Membership Chair. Please note that the approval process takes four to six weeks.

Annual dues vary by section or council


Why should I join?




Still Have Questions?

We've put together a list of frequently asked questions that can help guide you through our membership process. 

View Membership FAQs

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