There are multiple COVID-19 vaccines authorized for use across several brands (Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech,  Novavax). Read below to find the specifics on COVID-19 vaccine products.  

Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccines

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines

Novavax Updated (2023-2024 Formula) COVID-19 Vaccine

Storage/Handling Best Practices

  • Establish clear standard operating procedures (SOPs) for COVID-19 vaccine storage, handling, and administration to minimize vaccine waste.
  • Follow good vaccine storage and practices by outlined by the CDC and AAP.
  • See The Vaccine Storage and Handling Toolkit, developed by experts at the CDC, for additional information.

Preparation Best Practices

  • Prepare vaccines in a designated area away from any space where potentially contaminated items are placed.
  • Only prepare vaccines when you are ready to administer them.
  • Always check expiration dates and confirm that you have selected the correct vaccine. 

Safety Monitoring Best Practices

The CDC’s V-safe gathers information through reports from vaccine recipients about symptoms they experience after receiving vaccines. The information gathered through V-safe helps CDC communicate timely and transparent information about the safety of vaccines to public health officials, healthcare providers, and the public. V-safe now includes the 2023-2024 updated COVID-19 vaccines and is available to anyone who receives these vaccines. As a vaccine provider, you can help promote V-safe in the following ways:

  • Encourage COVID-19 vaccine recipients to sign up for V-safe.
  • Visit and share the V-safe webpage for information and resources.
  • Distribute the V-safe info sheet to vaccine recipients and places where people are receiving RSV and COVID-19 vaccines.
  • Hang V-safe posters in waiting areas and other places that vaccine recipients can easily view. 

Additional Resource:

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics