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The Delivery Room Intervention and Evaluation (DRIVE) Network is a novel network to study and improve neonatal resuscitation across an inclusive and diverse population of infants born in delivery rooms in the United States. DRIVE’s goals are to innovate health care delivery by designing and testing solutions to improve provider training, team performance, and clinical outcomes for newborns who require resuscitation at birth. DRIVE will also compare practice-level delivery system characteristics, identify best practices, and promote professional development.

Background of the DRIVE Network

Among 3.8 million babies born yearly in the US, 5-10% will require immediate resuscitation to begin independently breathing. When a baby fails to breathe at birth, a skilled health care professional trained in neonatal resuscitation must be present to provide evidence-based interventions to help them breathe. Failure to properly resuscitate a baby can lead to significant morbidity and mortality.

However, beyond limited research settings, little is known about the incidence, quality, and outcomes of neonatal resuscitation in diverse clinical locations in the US. Most multicenter neonatal registries specialize in high-risk populations such as preterm infants or infants admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). As a result, little infrastructure exists to collect data critical to highlighting gaps and improving provider performance and clinical outcomes of neonatal resuscitation for the inclusive population of infants who receive delivery room resuscitation.

The DRIVE Network seeks to fill that gap by convening a network of sites throughout the US to gather information on all infants who receive resuscitation after birth. DRIVE aggregates data from members and produces a data registry that will allow for study of resuscitation practices and quality.

DRIVE Members

The DRIVE Network was convened by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), which serves as the DRIVE Administrative Body. The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia serves as the DRIVE Data Coordinating Center (DCC).

The founding members of DRIVE include six academic centers with their associated Level I and II neonatal intensive care units. DRIVE is now expanding and currently includes hospitals across more than 14 states. The participating members include those listed below. 

Are You Interested In Joining DRIVE?

The DRIVE Network is currently accepting new members! Joining DRIVE will allow your hospital to unite with others around the country pursuing excellence and innovation in the delivery room. To learn more about the data included in the DRIVE database, what hospitals gain from DRIVE, and the requirements to join the Network, please contact us

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics